Travel Best

by Panagiotis Melas

Travel & Local


The best things of the most visited cities

Travel guide for the most popular cities of the world.• The best attractions of the city.• 7 categories:★GENERALInformation about the city.★BEST SIGHT OF THE CITYWhat is the most popular sight of the city.★PLACE OF INTERESTA popular place from the city you try to visit.★BEST NIGHTLIFE AREAWhat is the most popular nightlife areas of the city.★FOOD TO TRYTry the traditional food of the city. ★FAMILIESWhat is the best place for the kids. ★BEST BEACHESThe top beach or swimming pool of the city.• IMAGE LICENCE:All images are licensed under Creative Commons Zero CC0 (no copyright) into the PUBLIC DOMAIN from and ( about Licence (CC0): Bug fixes

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